Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Last Straw

It seemed like everything and everyone was testing my patience last night. They were pissing me off. I've always been trying to let the smile on my face stay there because being sad and lonely isn't fun anymore. I've been there a lot and as much as possible, I don't want to go back.

Out of anger I wrote some phrases down. Funny how it ended up sounding like a poem. It actually works so here I go.

Nobody cares
They're all bringing me down
Testing my patience
Not making a sound
Evil eyes, innocent smiles
That's all they let me see
What they don't know: I'm aware
They're planning my destruction
It's sad and pathetic
How crappy it gets
It's all a game of deception
Treachery at its best
Dab away at the last drops of sadness
I can't let them win
No more tears, I'm standing tall
Pretentious is all I am
Nobody cares
Nobody ever will
Call it crappy but I was just plain angry. Once I wrote that though, it felt like my anger began to escape my head.

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