Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Support System


With that said, I can now go to my story.

My brother and his friends formed a band in a week to play for the 'Battle of the Lasallian Bands' during the school Birthday Bash.

I realized how I poured out my all-out support even at the last minutes of their performance. I was determined to help them out and even got my guy friend who was in the intermission to stand up and clap for him (I had to swallow my pride, kneel down beside him and ask for his help). I also got three of my classmates to shout from somewhere behind the crowd.

And where was I during the performance? I was up front kneeling down on the floor below the platform taking as much pictures as I can while howling, screaming and singing along to my brother's band.

It was one epic night. I nearly lost my voice and I was going overly red because my brother's band wasn't that popular and it seemed like i was the only one cheering them on.

I guess it goes to show how blood is thicker than water. I didn't regret swallowing my pride to ask my friends to cheer for them. I definitely did not regret going crazy up front while they played.

They won the competition. Even through the end, nobody clapped for them. But there I was, still upfront raising my hands and clapping while I screamed. I was actually pretty scared by the results because audience impact was 40% and it seemed my brother's band lost at that......but hell! It was a unanimous decision!!!

I'm proud. Yes I am.

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